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Welcom on ROBINMANGA.com


Welcome to My Page!
This page is my second homepage. The other one is: www.gothicrobin.50megs.com it's about dragons and magic, only it is in Dutch.
This page is about manga and anime, the Japanese art. I am learning to draw manga myself.
Check out my site!!!
Only... I'm still building the site, so it still needs some work...

Manga = very popular!
I hope that you like manga too, if not maybe you will like manga after you've seen the site...
Don't you like manga at all? Maybe this homepage is more of youre intrest...

My Favorite Thing To Do
I like to draw manga of course! See my own manga expirients on the photo page!!!

Some of My Favorite Manga People
I like the characters of DragonBall Z, their more look more adult and everything is fantasy. I just like the cartoon!

Do You Like the Drawings or Pictures on this Site?
Do you want one of the pics on the site? No problem, just click on them with the right mousebutton and choose the option: Save as...
Save it and use it as your Desktop Background, print it and hang it on the wall or just admire it!

made by robin sommer